Brython Crafty - API

Base API

Base Module

Author:Carlo E. T. Oliveira
Status:This is a “work in progress”
Copyright:2013, GPL.
class crafty.base.Base(crafty)[source]

Crafty base operations. Base

  • w – The width of crafty window
  • h – The height of crafty window
  • stage – An element to which this window will be attached

An instance of Crafty


Set attributes. crafty.entity

Param:kwargs: keyword parameters with name and values of arguments to be changed
Returns:Self, this same entity

Change background color. crafty.base.Base

Parameters:color – A string with components ex:‘2D, DOM, Color’
Returns:This instance of Crafty
bind(eventName, callback)[source]

Crafty Bind. crafty.base.Base

Binds to a global event. Method will be executed when Crafty.trigger is used with the event name.

  • eventName – Name of the event to bind to
  • callback – Method to execute upon event triggered

callback function which can be used for unbind


Crafty js core. crafty.base.Base

Returns:A javascript crafty instance

Destroy the Entity. crafty.core.BCrafty Will remove all event listeners and delete all properties as well as removing from the stage

Returns:The object destroyied

Determine if a certain key is currently down. crafty.base.Base


entity.requires('Keyboard').bind('KeyDown', haldle_keydown)

Determine if a certain key is currently down. :param keyName: Name or Code of the key to check. See Crafty.keys. :returns: If the key is Down.


Keycodes. crafty.base.Base

exemple keys.RA keys.LA keys.UA keys. DA


Mouse Position. crafty.base.Base

onebind(eventName, callback)[source]

Crafty OneBind. crafty.core.BCrafty

Binds to a global event. Method will be executed once when Crafty.trigger is used with the event name.

  • eventName – Name of the event to bind to
  • callback – Method to execute upon event triggered

callback function which can be used for unbind


Crafty Text. crafty.base.Base

String of text that will be inserted into the DOM or Canvas element.

This method will update the text inside the entity.

If you need to reference attributes on the entity itself you can pass a function instead of a string. Example

Crafty.e(“2D, DOM, Text”).attr({ x: 100, y: 100 }).text(“Look at me!!”);

Crafty.e(“2D, DOM, Text”).attr({ x: 100, y: 100 })
.text(function () { return “My position is ” + this._x });

Crafty.e(“2D, Canvas, Text”).attr({ x: 100, y: 100 }).text(“Look at me!!”);

Crafty.e(“2D, Canvas, Text”).attr({ x: 100, y: 100 })
.text(function () { return “My position is ” + this._x });
Parameters:text – Name of the event to bind to
Returns:Load a crafty scene

Change the color of the text. You can use HEX, rgb and rgba colors.

Parameters:color – The color in name, hex, rgb or rgba
Returns:Self, this same entity
textFont(size='10px', weight='normal', face='normal', family='Arial')[source]

Use this method to set font property of the text entity.

  • size – Size of the font in pixels ex: “20px”
  • weight – Weight o font ex: “bold”
  • face – Type of fonte ex: “italic”
  • family – Font family

Self, this same entity

unbind(eventName, callback)[source]

Crafty unbind. crafty.core.BCrafty

Binds to a global event. Method will be executed once when Crafty.trigger is used with the event name.

  • eventName – Name of the event to unbind to
  • callback – Method to unbind

True or false depending on if a callback was unbound


This method sets the text so that it cannot be selected (highlighted) by dragging.

Returns:Self, this same entity

The x position on the stage. crafty.base.Base


The y position on the stage. crafty.base.Base

class crafty.base.ViewPort(ent)[source]

Viewport is essentially a 2D camera looking at the stage. Can be moved or zoomed, which in turn will react just like a camera moving in that direction. draggable

bounds(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)[source]

A rectangle which defines the bounds of the viewport.

  • minx – min x bound of viewport
  • miny – min y bound of viewport
  • maxx – max x bound of viewport
  • maxy – max y bound of viewport

Self, this same entity

centerOn(target, time)[source]

Centers the viewport on the given entity.

  • target – An entity with the 2D component
  • time – The duration in ms of the camera motion

Self, this same entity


Decides if the viewport functions should clamp to game entities. When set to true functions such as Crafty.viewport.mouselook() will not allow you to move the viewport over areas of the game that has no entities. For development it can be useful to set this to false.

Returns:True if clamped
follow(target, offsetx=0, offsety=0)[source]

Follows a given entity with the 2D component. If following target will take a portion of the viewport out of bounds of the world, following will stop until the target moves away.

  • target – An entity with the 2D component
  • offsetx – Follow target should be offsetx pixels away from center
  • offsety – Positive puts target to the right of center

Self, this same entity

init(width, height, stage_elem)[source]

Initialize the viewport. If the arguments ‘width’ or ‘height’ are missing, use Crafty.DOM.window.width and Crafty.DOM.window.height (full screen model).

The argument ‘stage_elem’ is used to specify a stage element other than the default, and can be either a string or an HTMLElement. If a string is provided, it will look for an element with that id and, if none exists, create a div. If an HTMLElement is provided, that is used directly. Omitting this argument is the same as passing an id of ‘cr-stage’.

  • width – Width of the viewport
  • height – Height of the viewport
  • stage_elem – the element to use as the stage (either its id or the actual element).

Self, this same entity


Toggle mouselook on the current viewport. Simply call this function and the user will be able to drag the viewport around.

If the user starts a drag, “StopCamera” will be triggered, which will cancel any existing camera animations.

Parameters:boolean – Activate or deactivate mouselook
Returns:Self, this same entity
pan(dx, dy, time)[source]

Pans the camera a given number of pixels over the specified time

  • dx – The distance along the x axis
  • dy – The distance along the y axis
  • time – The duration in ms for the entire camera movement

Self, this same entity


Adjusts the scale (zoom). When amt is 1, it is set to the normal scale, e.g. an entity with this.w == 20 would appear exactly 20 pixels wide. When amt is 10, that same entity would appear 200 pixels wide (i.e., zoomed in by a factor of 10), and when amt is 0.1, that same entity would be 2 pixels wide (i.e., zoomed out by a factor of (1 / 0.1)).

If you pass an amt of 0, it is treated the same as passing 1, i.e. the scale is reset.

This method sets the absolute scale, while Crafty.viewport.zoom sets the scale relative to the existing value.

Parameters:amt – amount to zoom in on the target by (eg. 2, 4, 0.5)
Returns:Self, this same entity
scroll(axis, val)[source]

Will move the viewport to the position given on the specified axis

  • axis – ‘x’ or ‘y’
  • val – The new absolute position on the axis

Self, this same entity


Will move the stage and therefore every visible entity along the x axis in the opposite direction.

Returns:viewport x

Will move the stage and therefore every visible entity along the x axis in the opposite direction.

Returns:viewport y
zoom(amt, cent_x, cent_y, time)[source]

Zooms the camera in on a given point. amt > 1 will bring the camera closer to the subject amt < 1 will bring it farther away. amt = 0 will reset to the default zoom level Zooming is multiplicative. To reset the zoom amount, pass 0.

  • amt – amount to zoom in on the target by (eg. 2, 4, 0.5)
  • cent_x – the center to zoom on
  • cent_y – the center to zoom on
  • time – the duration in ms of the entire zoom operation

Self, this same entity

Core API

Core Module

Author:Carlo E. T. Oliveira
Status:This is a “work in progress”
Copyright:2013, GPL.
class crafty.core.BCrafty(w=600, h=480, stage='Document Body')[source]

Bases: crafty.base.Base, crafty.base.ViewPort

Crafty game engine main class. Crafty

  • w – The width of crafty window
  • h – The height of crafty window
  • stage – An element to which this window will be attached

An instance of Crafty

c(name, *comp, **items)[source]

Creates a component naming the ID and passing an object. crafty.core.BCrafty

A couple of methods are treated specially. They are invoked in partiular contexts, and (in those contexts) cannot be overridden by other components. init will be called when the component is added to an entity remove will be called just before a component is removed, or before an entity is destroyed. It is passed a single boolean parameter that is true if the entity is being destroyed.

  • name – Name of the component
  • comp – Object with the component’s properties and methods that will be inherited by entities.
  • items – If component is not provided each keyword argument will be attached as a member of component.

create a drawing canvas. crafty.core.BCrafty

Returns:A javascript crafty instance

Crafty js core. crafty.core.BCrafty

Returns:A javascript crafty instance
e(comp='2D, DOM, Color')[source]

Entity. crafty.core.BCrafty

Parameters:comp – A string with components ex:‘2D, DOM, Color’
Returns:An Entity instance
load(name, init)[source]

Crafty Load. crafty.core.BCrafty

Returns:Load a crafty scene
randRange(mini, maxi)[source]

Random Range. crafty.core.BCrafty

Returns:a number ranging from mini to maxi
scene(scene, init=None, uninit=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Crafty Scene. crafty.core.BCrafty

Returns:A crafty scene
sprite(x, y, w, h)[source]

Create a Sprite. crafty.core.BCrafty

  • x – position x of sprite
  • y – position y of sprite
  • w – width w of sprite
  • h – height h of sprite

An instance of Sprite

spritem(tile, tileh, url, paddingX=0, paddingY=0, paddingAroundBorder=False, **mapper)[source]

Collection of sprites. crafty.core.BCrafty Generates components based on positions in a sprite image to be applied to entities.

Accepts a tile size, URL and map for the name of the sprite and its position.

The position must be an array containing the position of the sprite where index 0 is the x position, 1 is the y position and optionally 2 is the width and 3 is the height. If the sprite map has padding, pass the values for the x padding or y padding. If they are the same, just add one value.

If the sprite image has no consistent tile size, 1 or no argument need be passed for tile size.

  • tile – Tile size of the sprite map, defaults to 1
  • url – URL of the sprite image
  • map – Object where the key is what becomes a new component and the value points to a position on the sprite map
  • paddingX – Horizontal space in between tiles. Defaults to 0.
  • paddingY – Vertical space in between tiles. Defaults to paddingX.
  • paddingAroundBorder – If padding should be applied around the border of the sprite sheet. If enabled the first tile starts at (paddingX,paddingY) instead of (0,0). Defaults to false.
sprites(tile, url, **mapper)[source]

Collection of sprites. crafty.core.BCrafty

  • tile – Tile size of the sprite map, defaults to 1
  • url – URL of the sprite image
  • map – Object where the key is what becomes a new component and the value points to a position on the sprite map
class crafty.core.document[source]
body = 'Document Body'

Entity API

Entity Module

Author:Carlo E. T. Oliveira
Status:This is a “work in progress”
Copyright:2013, GPL.
class crafty.entity.Entity(stage, cmp)[source]

Bases:,, crafty.base.Base

Creates an entity. Entity

Any arguments will be applied in the same way .addComponent() is applied as a quick way to add components.

Any component added will augment the functionality of the created entity by assigning the properties and methods from the component to the entity.

Param:stage: Element to which entity will be attached to
Param:cmp: Componente name
Returns:An instance of Entity

Return Entity Transparency. crafty.entity


Anulates gravity to entity. crafty.entity

Returns:Self, this same entity

Attach an entity to this one. crafty.entity

Param:entity: The entity to be attached
Returns:Self, this same entity

Constructor takes a polygon or array of points to use as the hit area. crafty.entity

The hit area (polygon) must be a convex shape and not concave for the collision detection to work.

Points are relative to the object’s position and its unrotated state.

If no parameter is passed, the x, y, w, h properties of the entity will be used, and the hitbox will be resized when the entity is.

If a hitbox is set that is outside of the bounds of the entity itself, there will be a small performance penalty as it is tracked separately.

Example ..code:: python

Crafty().e(“2D, Collision”).collision([50,0], [100,100], [0,100])


NewHitbox [Data: Crafty.polygon]
when a new hitbox is assigned
Param:*points: Array with an x and y position to generate a polygon
Returns:Self, this same entity

Creates an entity. crafty.entity

Param:col: new color of the entity
Returns:Self, this same entity

Detach an entity from this one. crafty.entity

Param:entity: The entity to be detached, all entities if blank
Returns:Self, this same entity

Disable the component to listen to key events. crafty.entity

Returns:Self, this same entity

Enable the component to listen to key events. crafty.entity

Returns:Self, this same entity

Entity property. crafty.entity


Flip entity on passed direction

Parameters:direction – Flip direction
Returns:Self, this same entity

Creates an four way entity control. crafty.entity

Param:speed: the speed of movement
Returns:Self, this same entity

Creates gravity to entity. crafty.entity

Param:entity: entity to gravitate to
Returns:Self, this same entity

Set gravity to constant g. crafty.entity

Param:g: The gravity constant
Returns:Self, this same entity

Takes an argument for a component to test collision for. crafty.entity

If a collision is found, an array of every object in collision along with the amount of overlap is passed.

If no collision, will return false. The return collision data will be an Array of Objects with the type of collision used, the object collided and if the type used was SAT (a polygon was used as the hitbox) then an amount of overlap.

   obj: [entity],
   type: "MBR" or "SAT",
   overlap: [number]

MBR is your standard axis aligned rectangle intersection (.intersect in the 2D component). SAT is collision between any convex polygon.

Param:component: Check collision with entities that has this component
Returns:False if no collision. If a collision is detected, returns an Array of objects that are colliding.
image(url, repeat='')[source]

Create a rectangle polygon based on the x, y, w, h dimensions. crafty.entity

Draw specified image. Repeat follows CSS syntax (“no-repeat”, “repeat”, “repeat-x”, “repeat-y”);

Note: Default repeat is no-repeat which is different to standard DOM (which is repeat)

If the width and height are 0 and repeat is set to no-repeat the width and height will automatically assume that of the image. This is an easy way to create an image without needing sprites.


Will default to no-repeat. Entity width and height will be set to the images width and height

..code:: python

ent = Crafty().e(“2D, DOM, Image”).image(“myimage.png”)

Create a repeating background.

..code:: python

bg = Crafty().e(“2D, DOM, Image”)
.attr(w= Crafty.viewport.width, h= Crafty.viewport.height) .image(“bg.png”, “repeat”);


when the image is loaded
Param:url: URL of the image.
Param:repeat: If the image should be repeated to fill the entity.
Returns:Self, this same entity

Create a rectangle polygon based on the x, y, w, h dimensions. crafty.entity

By default, the collision hitbox will match the dimensions (x, y, w, h) and rotation of the object.

Returns:Self, this same entity
move(direction, by=1)[source]

Quick method to move the entity by an amount of pixels. crafty.entity in a direction (n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw).

  • direction – Direction to move (n,s,e,w,ne,nw,se,sw)
  • by – Amount to move in the specified direction

Self, this same entity

multiway(speed, **directions)[source]

Creates an four way entity control. crafty.entity

Param:speed: the speed of movement
Param:directions: named directions and degree (UP_ARROW: -90, DOWN_ARROW: 90, RIGHT_ARROW: 0, LEFT_ARROW: 180)
Returns:Self, this same entity
onHit(component, hit, nohit=<function <lambda>>)[source]

Creates an EnterFrame event calling .hit() each frame. crafty.entity

When a collision is detected the callback will be invoked.

Param:hit: Callback method to execute upon collision with component. Will be passed the results of the collision check in the same format documented for hit().
Param:nohit: Callback method executed once as soon as collision stops.
Returns:Self, this same entity

Set rotation origin for entity. crafty.entity

Param:value: lef, top, right, bottom, center, middle
Returns:Self, this same entity

Rotate entity. crafty.entity

Returns:Ammount of rotation in degrees
shift(x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0)[source]

Shift or move the entity by an amount. Use negative values for an opposite direction. crafty.entity

  • x – Amount to move X
  • y – Amount to move Y
  • w – Amount to widen
  • h – Amount to increase height

Self, this same entity


Change the speed that the entity moves with. crafty.entity

Param:speed: the speed of movement
Returns:Self, this same entity
tint(color, strength)[source]

Similar to Color by adding an overlay of semi-transparent color. crafty.entity

Modify the color and level opacity to give a tint on the entity.


..code:: python

Crafty().e(“2D, Canvas, Tint”).tint(“#969696”, 0.3)


when the tint is applied
Param:color: The color in hexadecimal.
Param:strength: Level of opacity.
Returns:Self, this same entity
twoway(speed, jump=None)[source]

Creates an two way entity control. crafty.entity Constructor to initialize the speed and power of jump. Component will listen for key events and move the entity appropriately. This includes Up Arrow, Right Arrow, Left Arrow as well as W, A, D. Used with the gravity component to simulate jumping.

The key presses will move the entity in that direction by the speed passed in the argument. Pressing the Up Arrow or W will cause the entity to jump.

Param:speed: the speed of movement
Param:jump: the speed of jump
Returns:Self, this same entity

Unflip entity on passed direction (if it’s flipped)

Parameters:direction – Unflip direction
Returns:Self, this same entity

Return Entity Visibility. crafty.entity

Graphics API

Graphic handling classes

Author:Carlo E. T. Oliveira
Status:This is a “work in progress”
Copyright:2013, GPL.
class, cmp)[source]

Canvas. Canvas

When this component is added to an entity it will be drawn to the global canvas element. The canvas element (and hence all Canvas entities) is always rendered below any DOM entities.

Crafty.canvas.init() will be automatically called if it is not called already to initialize the canvas element.

draw(ctx, x, y, w, h)[source]

draw([[Context ctx, ]Number x, Number y, Number w, Number h]).


Enable drag and drop of the entity. draggable


Stops entity from being draggable. Reenable with .enableDrag().

dragDirection(degrees=None, x=None, y=None)[source]

Specify the dragging direction.

if no parameters are given, remove dragging.

  • degrees – A number, the degree (clockwise) of the move direction with respect to the x axis.
  • x – the vector (valx, valy) denotes the move direction.
  • y – the vector (valx, valy) denotes the move direction.

Rebind the mouse events. Use if .disableDrag has been called.


Make the entity follow the mouse positions.


Stop the entity from dragging. Essentially reproducing the drop.


Sprite. Sprite

Component for using tiles in a sprite map.

animate(reelId=None, loopCount=1)[source]

Animate Entity.

  • reelId – String reel identification
  • loopCount – Integer number of loops, default 1, indefinite if -1

Self, this same entity


The coordinate of the slide within the sprite in the format of [x, y, w, h].

crop(x, y, w, h)[source]

Crop the sprite.

If the entity needs to be smaller than the tile size, use this method to crop it.

The values should be in pixels rather than tiles.

  • x – Offset x position
  • y – Offset y position
  • w – New width
  • h – New height

Self, this same entity


Return is the reel is playing.

Parameters:reelId – The reelId of the reel we wish to examine, if missing default to current reel
Returns:The current animation state

Set or return the number of loops.

Sets the number of times the animation will loop for. If called while an animation is in progress, the current state will be considered the first loop.

Parameters:loopCount – The number of times to play the animation, if missig retun loops left.
Returns:The number of loops left. Returns 0 if no reel is active.

Pauses the currently playing animation, or does nothing if no animation is playing.

reel(reelId, duration, fromX, fromY, frameCount)[source]

Create animation reel.

Param:String reelId, Duration duration, Number fromX, Number fromY, Number frameCount
Returns:Self, this same entity

Sets the position of the current reel by frame number.

Parameters:position – The frame to jump to. This is zero-indexed. A negative values counts back from the last frame. Sets the position of the current reel by percent progress if number is float. Jumps to the specified position if string. The only currently accepted value is “end”, which will jump to the end of the reel.
Returns:The current frame number

Resets the current animation to its initial state.

Resets the number of loops to the last specified value, which defaults to 1.

Neither pauses nor resumes the current animation.


This will resume animation of the current reel from its current state.

If a reel is already playing, or there is no current reel, there will be no effect.

sprite(x, y, w, h)[source]
tween(duration, **properties)[source]

This method will animate numeric properties over the specified duration.

These include x, y, w, h, alpha and rotation in degrees.

  • properties – Object of numeric properties and what they should animate to
  • duration – Duration to animate the properties over, in milliseconds.

The current frame number